The Dawn of the End Read online Kristen Ashley (The Rising #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Rising Series by Kristen Ashley

Total pages in book: 157
Estimated words: 156907 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 785(@200wpm)___ 628(@250wpm)___ 523(@300wpm)

Lorenz said nothing.

“I cannot imagine, if one dear to me, say…you,” Mars began, “was taken by the enemy, your location, their intention, your condition unknown, how I would feel. Except I would feel fury at my powerlessness. So, I urge you to do things you have power over, Lorenz, until we can find Tedrey, bring him home and beset those who took him with your vengeance.”

“I should have had more than one guard on my home,” Lorenz gritted.

“This is not your fault,” Mars replied.

“He did not only take Teddy, he almost killed my wife.”

“I am right here, amore,” Nyx murmured.

“Do something you have power over,” Mars urged.

“We will call Persephone,” Nyx said.

“I don’t want to fuck,” he bit at his wife. “I want to hurt something.”

“Then we will go to the District, find someone who likes to be hurt, and then we will fuck,” Nyx returned.

Lorenz scowled at his love.

Nyx rose. “The District at Miet is the best place to be.” She looked to Mars. “My apologies, my king. Elpis always hosted a very good orgy. But the District…”

She did not finish that, and she did not have to.

For obvious reasons, from the time he’d come of age to participate in them, he’d always avoided his mother’s orgies and celebrated Miet in the District.

“I’m going to Heden, do you go with me?” Nyx asked her husband.

Lorenz made a noise.

And then he approached his wife, took hold, and with but a dip of his chin to his king and queen, he hauled her out of the room.

When the door latched behind them, Mars took hold on his own wife, dragging her arse across the desk so she sat in front of him.

Before he could do more, however, she caught his wrists, and he looked up at her.

“I find all this talk of the District intriguing,” she murmured.

Mars felt his face softening before he shared, “On a normal day, I fear it would be too much for you, piccolina. So on Miet, it would be overwhelming.”

“If it is, would my king not take me away?” she asked.

“There is much smoke, ashesh, taibac, koekah, spirits, women and men, women and women, men and men.”


“Tethers, instruments.”

Her brows rose. “Instruments?”

Yes, this would be too overwhelming for her.

“You have great passion, mio ardente, but I fear you are not prepared for the District at Miet. Perhaps next year,” he decided.

“It is your holiday.”

“And I will share it with you, piercing your navel, claiming your body as mine.”

“It already is yours, Mars,” she pointed out. “The Rising and the threat of the Beast and journeys and losses and wedding and quarrels and fathers who are not fathers and friends abducted from homes. Soon, we will prepare to leave for Sky Bay. And after that, we cannot know. But there is always something. There will always be something. In all this, I am your queen. I am the Queen of Firenze. We are here now. This is my land, my home. When it is all done, this will still be my land, my home. Should I not know it? Experience it? Share in it with you?”

He examined her face then noted, “You very much wish to go.”

That pink he adored hit her cheeks again, and she nodded.

She had much passion, his queen. Such spirit.

His brazen wanton.

He nearly smiled.

He did not.

“You will say if it is too much?” he demanded.

“I will always be honest with you, my darling king,” she replied.

“Come here,” he ordered.

She bent to him and offered him what he wished.

Thus, Mars took her mouth.

Then he took her hand as he straightened from his chair and pulled her off the desk before him.

“Do you wish to bathe, arrange your hair?” he queried.

“Do people turn themselves out extravagantly for Miet?

“Most wear nothing at all.”

She grinned. “Then I think I am fine. We can bathe later, together, after we return, before you pierce me.”

“This will be our deal,” he murmured.

She smiled up at him.

He smiled down at her.

Then he guided her from the room and called for their mounts.

The People of Firenze

Heden District, Fire City


It was coming to be no surprise to the citizens of Fire City when they saw their queen as she was with their king during their celebrations.

They were much attuned to each other, King Mars and his Silence.

And although she looked on curiously, a natural reserve in her demeanor, she by no means looked on with disgust or distaste or any such reactions what they thought a Dellish would have.

Indeed, she seemed quite taken with the proceedings.

And as ever, her husband seemed quite taken with her.

She wore a lovely gown that caressed her body, hiding most from view, but nevertheless enhancing it.

It was much like the gowns many of the other women had made especially for the celebrations and were wearing, or partly wearing or were littering the floors and halls and rooms and stairwells and pavements.


