Wonderland Read Online Lucy Darling

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 26967 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 135(@200wpm)___ 108(@250wpm)___ 90(@300wpm)

Thinking I’m being ridiculous, I decide to hit Lady Luck. It’s been a while since I was there, and it sits on the end of Fremont Street. My eyes run over the empty seats at the blackjack tables looking for one that would suit me.


Someone has been asking about your ID

Who is someone?


Don’t know. That’s why my brother wants to see you.


You know everything but not this?


There has been more than one person.

The hell? My phone starts vibrating in my hand as a call comes through. The number is unavailable. I clear it and turn off my phone.

My heart starts to pound when I see two men in all black suits headed right toward me. I recognize them. They work here.

I glance around the casino floor. They can’t take me in public. Can they? I turn to go the other way, trying to make it for the exit that would lead me back out on Fremont Street.

“Hey!” I hear one shout as my body collides into someone else’s. An arm wraps around me, stopping me from falling backwards.

“You turned off your phone, Ace.” My stomach tightens as the familiar rich smell of Bo invades my system. I drop my head back to stare up at the very man I was trying to avoid. “It’s not safe to turn your phone off. Don’t do it again.” There is a warning to his tone. “Understood?”

I simply nod my head because what else am I going to do?



Ace’s eyes are wide with fear. I don’t like it. Not one fucking bit. I rather enjoy her sarcastic smart mouth.

“Mr. Knight,” one of the two men in suits says. “Let us handle the girl and we’ll let Mr. Anderson know you’re here.”

I ignore them, my attention going back to Ace. I lean down to whisper into her ear and pull her more into me.

“No one is going to hurt you,” I promise her.

“Not even you?”

“Hurt is the last thing I want to do to you, Ace.” I kiss her neck. Her body shivers against mine.

“Tell Anderson the girl is off-limits.” Both of the suits’ eyes widen.

“She's a⁠—”

“She’s mine. That’s all that matters. If she has an outstanding balance, send it over and I’ll get it taken care of.” I make myself very clear on how this is all going to go. There’s not a sane man in this town that would dare go against me.

“Yes, sir.” They both speak at the same time.

“We’re leaving.” I shift Ace into my side. “Don't make a scene or I’ll make a bigger one. Either way, you’ll be coming with me,” I whisper into Ace’s ear, making it perfectly clear that there’s no wiggle room here.

“You said you wouldn’t hurt me.”

“I did.”

“Are you a liar, Knight?”

“Bo,” I correct her. “You call me Bo.”

“Are you a liar, Bo?” I love my name coming from her mouth.

“If I need to be. Yes. I’ll do whatever it takes to get what I want.” That fear starts to creep back into her eyes. I hate it, but all I can do is show her. That will take time. Still, I want to reassure her. Something I normally don’t give a shit to do for others. “I’ll never lie to you.”

“How do I know you’re not lying now?”

“You don’t but your fate is still the same. Now are you going to walk or am I going to have to carry you out of here?”

“You’re bossy,” she huffs, raising her chin. The casino lights sparkle across her cheek, giving me another peek of the freckles she covered up with makeup. I want to wipe it away. I want her bared to me. To see every single inch of her. Ace has no idea how fucking sexy she is.

“And you’re a brat.”

“I am not.” She pouts, her eyebrows furrowed together, making her look even more desirable.

“And a liar,” I add. She glares at me but doesn’t deny it. I’ll take it as long as the fear is gone. Normally I relish in such a reaction. Not with her. I want her eyes to flare with desire for me. “Now walk.” I give her ass a small smack. She jumps but starts to walk. I pull her back into my side. She elbows me and mutters about me being hard. If she only fucking knew.

“People are staring at us.”

“Then don’t wear that fucking dress.” While she looks stunning, I hate that people are staring at what is mine. But I do relish the fact that everyone is now seeing her leave with me which will immediately send the message that she’s off-limits. No one would dare to touch what they thought was mine.

“It’s not my dress, and others are worse.” She motions to one of the show girls in the middle of the walkway taking pictures with tourists. “They’re staring because of you.”


