The Party is Over – Lilah Love Read Online Lisa Renee Jones

Categories Genre: Crime, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 56
Estimated words: 52447 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 262(@200wpm)___ 210(@250wpm)___ 175(@300wpm)

It is my intention to name him the new leader of the cartel and go the hell home to my wife. But he never makes it to the center of the room. A bullet sounds and hits him between the eyes. He drops. Weapons are drawn but there is a sense of awe at the single man who moves forward, a hood over his face until he steps to the center of the room and faces me. “No one leads this organization but a Mendez.” I know the voice, even before he drops his hood and says, “Mi hijo. Son. About damn time you stepped up and killed Miguel. But your little plot to hand over my empire to Laslo left me no option but to come back from the dead.”

The End…but not for long!


