The Forever Girl Read Online Free Book by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 24356 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 97(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

“Get her out of here.” Steve reached for her arm but she shrugged him off. “So you’re going to throw me out? Just wait until the kids hear about this. Oh and about that two weeks thing, the holidays are around the corner, I bet the judge will let me stay on until after the New Year.” Pure spite was coming off her now.

“That’s okay Jackson, you have full custody right, we can take the kids to my place in Aspen. It would be perfect.” I thought Christine would lose her shit for real then.

“Stay out of this Casey.”

“Excuse me?” Well shit. What the ever-loving fuck?

“Yes stay out of this this is between me and my husband. Did he tell you he still sleeps in our bed?” I felt the cold air coming from behind me and wanted to strangle the fuck out of my ex. “Alone, I sleep in MY bed, alone.”

“I’m sure I don’t care since you’ve told me to stay out of it. I’ll be going now, excuse me.” Well fuck! I know that tone. That’s her butt hurt voice and not one of my favorite’s. This shit is gonna cost me. I let her go don’t ask me why. But I thought it best to deal with Christine’s shit once and for all.

“Leave us alone guys.” I waited until they cleared the room after giving me warning looks, before turning back to her. She had a pleased fucking look on her face that if I didn’t hate her before would’ve made me hate her now.

“I’ll say this only once. You have no say in my life. I don’t want you you are dead to me. In fact worse than that, it’s like you never existed.”

“How can you say that? I gave you two kids.”

“Yeah you did, but then you fucked up and there’s no going back. That woman that just walked out of here, she’s my future. She and my kids are all I care about. And that shit you just said about extending your stay, not gonna happen. I will burn the shit to the ground before I let that shit happen. Now get the fuck outta my face and stay gone.”

She looked like I’d slapped her and I wondered when the fuck her screw up had become my fault. “You’ll be sorry you treated me like this.” She stormed off leaving me with a gut full of anger and beyond pissed that I’d hurt my girl.

I didn’t trust her ass one bit so I decided to go pick my kids up from school. Of course today was half a day, that’s one of the reasons I was in such a hurry to leave Casey’s after our afternoon quickie. I liked being there to meet my kids when they got off the bus in the evening. Something their mom never did until this whole mess started. Now she looks for any excuse to invade my fucking space.

She’d changed her work schedule so she could be home when they got home, or so she said. Rumor was the owner had done it after the scandal broke about her and the manager getting it on at night in the break room or some shit. Fuck if I care.

I tried calling Casey but it went to voice mail. Fuck me, she’s pissed. I’d only just calmed her down a few hours ago, and now this. She doesn’t get mad often, but when she does it’s not pretty and I always end up bearing the brunt of that shit. I’ll deal with her later. I have to go see about my kids.

Chapter 5


“Daddy!” My little princess came running when she saw me standing next to my truck in the schoolyard. I’d had to take my chopper home and switch out for my truck so I could pick them up instead of having the bus drop them off.

“Hey princess how was your day?” I picked her up and kissed her cheek while her little arms went around my neck. For this I would walk through fire. I’d fought like a son of a bitch to keep her and her brother, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to keep them safe. Not just physically, but emotionally too.

Her brother came through the doors next with a shit load of kids all screaming and running in a million different directions. I watched to see what he would do when no one was around, namely me. And just as I’d taught him he looked for his sister in the crowd. I was about to call out to him when he didn’t see her and started to panic, but he saw us and came running. Until he remembered that he was Mr. Cool and slowed to a walk.

“Hi dad.” He fixed the strap of his backpack on his shoulder and looked up to make a face at his sister.


