Speak No Evil – The Book of Caspian – Part 2 Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 74450 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 372(@200wpm)___ 298(@250wpm)___ 248(@300wpm)

Legend could have sued, but instead, he wanted something better. Much better. He had those police officers killed, all while he was behind bars.

He didn’t admit that part, but I knew he’d done it. I was safe in Georgia when I began reading about how these men were being knocked off like flies—the ones who’d beat him and stolen from his home. The lone officer who did none of that was the sole survivor. I knew then that justice, fairness, and righting wrongs were just as important to Legend as revenge. He knew the courts wouldn’t be fair to him, so he decided to be the judge and jury, all on his lonesome.

Caspian pulled onto the old property at dusk and took in the scenery of the mature trees and the nearby creek. There was an old barn on the property, one he recalled from his childhood years. Nobody lived on this land now, and it was rumored to be haunted. Getting out of the car, he popped the trunk and looked into the frantic eyes of Uncle Bobby. The man’s wrists and ankles were bound with rope. His mouth was taped shut.

Uncle Bobby began to yell and try to talk from behind the tape, but it all came out as muted gibberish. Caspian yanked on the rope wrapped around the bastard’s wrists, lifting him up, then tossed him on the ground like trash. The man hit the soil like a million tons of bricks. Caspian turned him over and ripped the tape off his mouth. He was a tad disappointed it didn’t take the skin off his lips along with it.


“See, one thing about my brothers, my degenerate friends you like to call ’em, Uncle Bobby, is that we’re always there when we need each other. Been down a long time. I had to go through this elaborate planning, even had to lie to my ol’ lady, and that hurt because I don’t like lying to her. But it was necessary to ensure it looks like I’d be out of town while this situation goes down. You and I are about to have a long overdue meeting. Hmmph!” He tugged at the ropes, dragging the bastard across the field of dead grass and pebbles to the barn. “I couldn’t park closer because then I’d leave tire marks. So, here ya go! Weeee!” He laughed.

Uncle Bobby screamed then fell into a coughing spiel.

“Where’s Noah?! What did ya do with my boy?” the hoary bastard screamed.

“Noah? Oh, Noah is fine. I’d never hurt a hair on my cousin’s head. He’s with Axel getting ice cream and catchin’ a movie as we speak. I couldn’t do this in Aunt Angel’s house. That would’ve been disrespectful, don’t ya think?”

“Do what?! DO WHAT?!”

Caspian unlocked the barn doors, swung them open, and turned on an old swinging light. Inside were ancient cattle enclosures and remnants of hay. He hauled Uncle Bobby inside and plopped him down onto a rusty metal chair, then chained him to it. The old man’s hair was wet, stuck to his face, and he was covered from head to toe in sweat.

“Cas…Caspian… I need… my medicine. Ya gotta take me back home so I can get it.”

“Oh, don’t you worry. I got the cure comin’ soon.” He lugged another chair from the corner and sat on it facing his uncle. Leaning slightly forward, he clasped his hands and smiled. “Aunt Angel left me a big box of shit. Most of it was my mother’s stuff. There’s somethin’ missin’ from it though, and I know you took it. Where’s it at?”

“Is that what this is about?! The box Angel left you? Noah already gave it to you! Jesus Christ!”

“Don’t play with me, bitch. You know what box I’m talking about. It’s a smaller one that was inside of that bigger one. It had a lock.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! That’s it, Caspian. You’re gonna lose everything once this is over. Kidnapping! Assault! Of your own uncle! YOU HAVE NO SHAME! Your job will be gone! Your money! All of it! You’ll be in prison where you belong!”

“I didn’t kidnap you. My friend Legend did. He beat your ass royally. You fell unconscious. He said you threw up on his shoes. Now I owe him a new pair of Nikes ’cause of you. Anyway, he tied you up and drove you to me. Handed you over like a Christmas present. Legend is good with his hands. You didn’t have a chance, and well, I typically do these things alone, but I couldn’t risk being seen. I needed an alibi. I was nowhere near your house. It’s crazy how that whole fake pizza delivery gets folks every time! Anyway, according to my self-proclaimed defense, everyone believes that I’m in Georgia right now, preparing to move back here so I can start my life with my fiancée.”


