Rogue (Mike Bravo Ops #2) Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: Crime, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Mike Bravo Ops Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 90685 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 453(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 302(@300wpm)

While he dries off, his cock tents the towel, and I make a mental note that after he gets back, I’m going to take care of him before we get to the food. That’s twice now he’s taken care of me without getting off himself, and like any time he’d appear and help me in a professional capacity, I don’t like owing him.

My mind is giving me so many wicked images of being on my knees for Trav. Or having Trav on all fours on the floor while I eat him out and then fuck him so hard he gets carpet burn on his knees. There are so many possibilities. I don’t know if we’ll manage to get to all of them, but I’m going to try.

Just the idea of it has my spent cock twitching in anticipation.

All of that is squashed when Trav comes charging back through the house and outside with Domino following.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“We need to leave. And we need to leave now.” Trav turns to Domino. “Can you go to the guest room and pack all our shit while Dylan gets dressed?”

Domino spots the floating “swimsuit” and chuckles. “Sure thing, boss. Want me to, uh, bring him some clothes too?”

“No—fuck.” Trav looks at me and must be remembering I came out here dressed in his ridiculous gift. “Yes. Thank you.”

Domino mock salutes him while suppressing his amusement and leaves.

Suddenly, the water feels cold and unwelcoming, and I shiver. “What happened?”

“Domino found a bug at headquarters. While we were being attacked at the ranch, perimeter alarms went off at headquarters, but the guys didn’t find anything. We’re thinking someone got in, planted the bug, and left undetected.”

“How? Your place is like Fort Knox.”

“Walker hired professionals to take you out. My place is high-tech but not for someone who knows what they’re doing. Anyone could get by my security system with a passcode decoder and ninja stealth. Whoever’s listening in has heard everything Domino has said to me, and that probably includes where we are.”


I move quickly but only get about halfway across the pool when I realize I left the stupid but now ruined mankini behind. I grab that and get out of the water, where Trav engulfs me in a towel.

I dry off and wrap the towel around my waist while Trav drops his and puts on the same clothes he was wearing earlier.

We meet Domino in the bedroom, where he’s still packing everything into Trav’s duffle bag, and Trav gets one of the bags Atlas brought over and throws it at me.

“Use the bathroom to get changed, and then we’re out of here.”

“Where are we going to go?” I ask.

“I haven’t figured that out yet, but we can do that on the road. They could be here any minute.”

Domino smiles as he shoves more clothes into bags. “Bet you’re glad you decided on code names for all of us now. I can only assume they haven’t found you yet because my real name is hard to get to.”

“Hey, sometimes I’m smart.” Trav’s gaze meets mine. “Go get dressed.”

Trav is in efficient mode again, and I have to admit it’s sexy watching him take charge.

I follow his orders quickly, and once I’m dressed, we rush out to the car parked out the front.

Trav turns to Domino. “Swap. You take my Range Rover back to headquarters. I’ll take your Maserati.”

“Oh, will you?” Domino says. “You’re just … stealing my baby from right underneath me.”

“Yep. I paid for your baby, so I get to borrow her when I need it.”

I frown. “If I didn’t know you guys were talking about a car, I’d be very concerned.”

Domino throws Trav the keys. “Bring her back in one piece.”

“I’ll buy you a new baby if I break her.”

“Again, really not the kind of language you should be using.”

They both ignore me.

Trav tips his head. “Thanks, brother.”

“Where are you going?” Domino asks.

“Good question. One of the guys’ houses? An empty safe house? Seedy motel where the employees always look the other way?”

“Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” I say. “I have to say, it’s only been a couple of nights, but I’ve already become accustomed to a certain style of living. And it’s money.”

Trav laughs. “Man after my own heart. I’ll think of something.”

We part ways with Domino, and I whistle as I get into the Maserati.

“Nice ride.” I run my hand over the leather interior.

“You know, you could’ve had this too. I’ve been trying to get you to work for me since we met.”

I side-eye him. “No, you’d tease me about going rogue for you and then make innuendo about being under you.”

“Not true. Sometimes I’d joke about you being on top too.”

“And you wonder why I didn’t quit my job on the spot and ask you where to sign.”

“Your reluctance was fun.”


