Ox – The Ahole Club Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 97426 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 390(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

“Hey, everything okay?” Kid answers, sounding concerned and out of breath.

I go to rattle off a list of questions running through my head, but the sound of someone slipping before the smack against the floor and a high-pitched cry cuts my words and thoughts off.

“Fuck.” I turn to find AJ has climbed out of the tub and slipped. “I’ll call you back.”

“Ox, is AJ okay?”

“I’ll call you back,” I bite out.

I rush to scoop him up and hold him to my chest. He wails into my neck. I cup the back of his head and can feel the knot already forming.

“Fuck,” I growl. “I’m so sorry, kid. I’m sorry.”

Sitting on my knees, I rock him back and forth. I can’t believe I just allowed that to happen. His cries are getting louder.

I stand and grab a towel to wrap him in as he starts to shiver. Skittles pops to mind. She’s the only person I can think to call who might know what I should do.

She doesn’t have kids, but I know she volunteers sometimes. I dial her quickly as I carry AJ to the kitchen and get him some ice. He’s still crying as he clings to me.


“Hey, Skittles. I need your help. AJ just slipped and hit his head. What do I do?”

“First, you need to calm down and he will.”

I hadn’t realized I was freaking out. I look down at the little guy and he’s watching me with his lip poked out as he cries and his eyes search my face.

His light-brown cheeks are tinged pink. I take a deep breath and try to relax. It works. AJ starts to sniffle and buries his face in my neck.

“That’s better. Did he hurt himself? Is there blood, bumps or bruises?”

“The back of his head has started to swell a bit. Can I put ice on it? Is that okay to do?”

“Yes, that’s fine. Wrap it in something, don’t place it directly on the skin and only for fifteen to twenty minutes every few hours. Does he have a history of seizures or anything?”

“I don’t think so. Shit. Who takes a kid for a weekend without knowing any of this? I have no business in this kid’s life,” I mutter.

“Ox, you take care of that baby like he’s yours. He’s lucky to have you. Kids get hurt. Things happen.

“He’s not my kid. This shouldn’t have happened on my watch.”

I’m so frustrated with myself. If I wasn’t having stupid thoughts, this never would have happened. I’ll be honest with myself. A part of me was kind of hoping Kid would tell me that somehow this is my son with my wife.

“Listen, call his mom, tell her what happened and you’re going to want to keep an eye on him for the night. Make sure he rests and watch him for confusion or disorientation.”


“If you need anything else, call.”

“I will.”

I put my phone away and then sit AJ on the kitchen island to look him over. Tightening the towel around him as I hold the ice to the swelling, I kiss his forehead. He reaches for my hand holding the ice against the back of his head.

“Oww, boo-boo,” he says to me and pouts.

“I’m sorry, kid. I’ll make it up to you, promise. Now let’s get your naked ass off my counter and put your pajamas on.”

He wiggles his butt on the counter like he knows just what I’m talking about. I laugh and shake my head. The little stinker has the nerve to laugh with me. Yeah, a little asshole in the making.

“I think you’re going to be all right. Here, you hold your ice.”


A half hour later, there’s banging at my front door and my doorbell is ringing like someone has lost their mind. I stand and glare at AJ.

“Don’t move.”

He gives me an innocent look as he smiles around the nipple of his bottle while he sits with one hand in his pj’s and down his pull-up while the other one is holding up the bottle of apple juice he’s sucking down. I know I probably shouldn’t give him a bottle of sugar before bed, but I feel like shit. He asked and I gave in.

“All right, all right,” I call out as I start for the door.

I tug the door open ready to knock someone out. However, once I have it open, I look down to find Kid glaring up at me.

“He hit his head, call his mom. What kind of text is that, and why haven’t you been answering me?”

“He had my phone watching CoCo-whatever-that-shit-is up until five minutes ago. I didn’t see your texts.”

“I tried to call too, asshole.”

“Again, he had my phone. You coming in?”

She looks me over with her eyes narrowed. I flex my bare chest and take a step back as I fold my arms over my chest. She looks down at my gray sweats and a little grin comes to her lips.


