Mouth Read Online Free Book Jordan Silver (The Spitfire #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Spitfire Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 17
Estimated words: 15768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 79(@200wpm)___ 63(@250wpm)___ 53(@300wpm)

That fucker James was licking his lips like he was at a meal while watching her ass in her black mini skirt. Try it and die mother- fucker.

My boys sensed my tension and went on alert, I didn't know what the fuck was about to go down but I was ready for whatever the fuck jumped off.

She came back with a tray of drinks.

I saw his intent before he put thought into action and was out my chair in a flash a bottle of Dom in hand, he grabbed her ass, and I brought the bottle down across the back of his mother-fucking head.

Mikey and Tony were there before I could follow through.

I looked at Jonathan.

"He never steps foot in my mother- fucking place again."

I grabbed her hand, gave my boys orders to clean up this shit and throw that fuck out back with the rest of the trash.

"Slow your roll there Nicky Scarfo." she tried to free her hand but I just kept going.

"What did I tell you about that shit?"

"Hey that's not from the Godfather; he's a whole other breed of crazy."

"Shut up mouth before I shut you up."

"Make me."

So I did ,right there in the middle of my motherfucking club for the whole world to see, I picked her little ass up and kissed the fuck outta her.

That ought a keep her ass quiet for two seconds.

Chapter 7

Oh my, he's a caveman mobster, that kiss had my hoohah weeping, shit he was all kinds a good. Damn if I'd let him know though.

I slid down his body when he was finished assaulting my mouth, good thing he grabbed me again because my knees were shot.

He led me upstairs to his office, poured me a cognac and sat behind his desk.

"What's this?"

"Drink it."

I shrugged my shoulders whatever, that shit burned like a mother-fucking bitch.

"Who was that jackass you tried to decapitate Tommy Pitera?"

"What the fuck do you do study the mob or some shit?"

"Among other things."

"To answer your question pain in the ass his name's James Foster."

"Another one, what the fuck is up with these James guys and my ass?"

"There's a difference, my little brother is a twenty year old kid who doesn't know his head from his ass, this asshole is a mean, vicious piece a shit."

"Gotcha he's a whole other brand a cray,cray, okey dokey."

"What were you doing up there anyway, I thought that was Dina's section tonight."

"Your girlfriend told me to go, I don't think Dina was too happy about it though and to tell you the truth if only pigs hang out up there I'd rather keep my section thank you very much." she batted her eyes at me.

"You think I don't know you just insulted me don't you?" She tried to look innocent and shit, yeah right.

"So how's it going so far?"

"It's going great, it will be even better when you let me get back out there so I can make some money."

"You're not going back on the floor tonight."

"Excuse me, why not, it's Friday night, one of the best nights for tips, no can do Louis lump, lump." I headed for the door but he caught me around my middle and dragged me onto his lap.

"That better be a gun in your pocket."

"It's my dick; now sit still before I introduce you."

Just for kicks I gave a little grind on his goods, that'll teach him. Maybe not. His mouth was on mine again and I was swallowing his tongue.

Chapter 8

It's back to work for me, I haven't seen the boss yet since I arrived maybe I'll get lucky and he'll stay out of my business.

“What the fuck, mouth what're you doing?”

Oops spoke too soon.

Apparently that James guy hadn't cashed in his ticket last night; good for him, I had more important things to deal with right now than his stupid ass.

I have to deal with this crazy ass man who seems to think he could tell me what to do. Uh huh that's gonna work.

"I'm working the floor."

"No! You're not."

'Why not?" Oh he wanted to clip me one, instead he was back to pulling out his hair or at least giving a good impression of it.

"Were you not there when that fucking asshole grabbed your ass?"

"Oh please Copernicus, guys have been grabbing my ass since forever....."

"What the fuck, who?" He looked ready to commit murder.

I just gave him a look, he was mental, then again all mobster types usually were, at least that's my take.

"Never mind all that, I have to get back on the floor. You kept me off last night, apparently so you could get off, how'd that work out for you?" I smirked at him, this guy was so easy to work up, just call him a few names, ignore a couple of his dictates and he was ready to strangle me, sheesh, like now, he was looking at me like he wanted to chuck me out the window , hah.


