I Didn’t Know He Was My Boss Read online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 72960 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 365(@200wpm)___ 292(@250wpm)___ 243(@300wpm)

She forced herself to look back at her monitor and tried pressing the Rewind button on the screen. Her father reappeared from the screen, and this time Kay really listened...and was white-faced by the end of her father’s speech.

Her allowance was being completely cut off?

Her car, her cellphone, her credit cards were being confiscated?

She was being asked to leave the university and transfer to some obscure place like Wisconsin? Was that even in the United States?

The greatest surprise for everyone was the final message delivered by their parents.

This flight they had boarded wasn’t heading to the Caribbean like they thought. Instead, they were being flown to Wisconsin and from there they would have to find a way to get to their host’s farm, where they were expected to work for their board and lodging.

“Since you’re nineteen, you have the legal right to refuse what I’m asking you to do,” Kay’s father said grimly. “But if I were you, I’ll take it. I received a letter from Luca Valencia’s lawyer, and if you don’t take up my offer they’ll go after you for slander and everything else they can pin on you. They won’t rest until you’re behind bars with that idiot you’re going out with, so if I were you, just suck it up, and try not to mess up next time.”

Everyone had started crying around her, and Kay knew she would have started bawling as well if she could just get over her shock.

Her life was ruined.


And it was all because of that bitch!

The Dutch billionaire came back on the screen. “If it still isn’t obvious by now, each and every one of you who has a seat on this flight has spoken to the press one way or another about your rather uninformed views of my friend’s marriage, and some of you have even resorted to outright slander and spreading malicious lies about Donald Crane’s sexual attack on Vivian.”

Kay whitened.

“I am, of course, talking about you, Ms. Norton.” As the billionaire spoke, a cabin attendant provided her with a set of documents, and Kay forced her hands to unclench so she could receive the papers.

“For everyone’s reference, Ms. Norton is receiving a copy of Donald Crane’s sworn affidavit. He has promised never to see Kay Norton in this lifetime in exchange of one million dollars.”

Kay started tearing the documents without even looking at it. “Lies,” she said shakily. “These are all lies!” Because if there was anything that Kay loved more than she loved herself and her newfound popularity, then it would be Donald Crane.

And now this stranger was telling her boyfriend had sold her out?

“This is the kind of man you have lied to defend and protect, Ms. Norton. I’d like you to know that Vivian always thought you deserved someone better than Mr. Crane, which is why the way things have turned out now is a great pity. If you had stood by her, if you hadn’t believed in Donald Crane’s lies, and a break up would have resulted, Vivian would have made a wonderful shoulder to cry on. She would have been a supportive friend to you. She would have flown you to any part of the world to help you get over your heartbreak. She would have gotten you invites to all those parties you’re obsessively enamored with. Most of all, she would have been genuinely loyal to you, for life, and her friendship would be without price. Unlike Donald Crane, Vivian’s friendship would never be on sale.”

Kay started to cry.

Nic stood up, and the camera panned up and zoomed out to allow them a full-length glimpse of the billionaire, who was sleekly handsome in his black suit and appeared to have been shooting the video from his executive office, which boasted of spectacular views of Amsterdam. “Thank you for your time, and in the event that you still have any lingering doubts about how happy my friends are in their marriage – a live feed to the couple’s private jet will follow shortly.” Nic smirked. “Enjoy.”

LUCA KNEW THE EXACT moment when the CCTV camera on the private lounge of his jet started recording and transmitting. Mounted on top of the back door leading to the bedroom, it would show Luca seated on one of the luxurious recliners, but with only the back of his head visible.

Vivian, however, would have her face completely exposed as she was facing the camera. She sat atop her husband, straddling him, fully clothed but with her skirt inched up because she had just impaled herself on Luca’s erection. The delicious fullness of his penetration made her throw her head back with a long helpless moan, and when he clutched her hips so he could have her bouncing on his length over and over, she moaned anew, her eyes rolling back.


