Hood River Rat Read online K. Webster (Hood River Hoodlums #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hood River Hoodlums Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 77992 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 390(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

The reply back is instant, but it takes me a second to realize it’s not him.

Roan: You too good to park next to Jordy?

I lift my gaze to see Roan leaned against the back of Jordy’s Ford Explorer as Jordy stalks my way. My heart rate stammers wildly as I wonder why in the hell this guy is headed my way like I’ve done something to him.

He walks right up to my door and flings it open, his body tight with barely contained rage. This dude has serious anger issues.

“You got a fuckin’ problem with me, rat?” he snarls, cracking his thick neck.

Jesus, now they’re both calling me that shitty nickname.

“Nope,” I grumble.

“Get out of your car.” He thrums with violence.

“Nah, I’m good right here.”

The fucker pounces on me, yanking me out of the car. I drop my phone in the process. Jordy shoves me to the dirty, snowy pavement. The wet, cold slop saturates through my jeans before I manage to jump to my feet.

“He’s not worth it,” Roan calls out to his friend, approaching the two of us. “You’d hit him and he’d break. Little porcelain doll.”

Jordy’s lip curls up. “You thought my piece of shit was going to door ding your gay-ass purple car?”

I try not to flinch at the word “gay,” but it’s too late. I’ve done it and Roan zeroes in on it with narrowed eyes. I’m not ashamed of being gay, but it’s times like these that people make it really fucking difficult.

“I just wanted to avoid this,” I hiss, waving between us. “A stupid altercation over nothing.”

Jordy charges for me, shoving me again. I don’t fall down this time and fist my hands. Sure, I’ve never fought, but that doesn’t mean I won’t go down without swinging at his psycho ass.

“Let’s go,” Roan grumbles. “You’ll get your ass expelled, Jordy.”

“And I give a fuck, why?” Jordy throws back.

Roan grabs his jaw, turning him so they can face off. “I need you. Roux and I both do.”

This seems to dismantle the bomb. I guess underneath all Jordy’s psychopathic tendencies, he has a conscience. Carting around his best friend and his little sister are what gives him purpose, it would seem.

I’m thinking I’ve managed to go unscathed when a loud, big black truck whips into the parking lot. The dual exhaust is obnoxious and deafening. Thankfully it cuts off as he parks crookedly right beside my car. The three of us have to step close to my car to avoid getting run over. At least there is distance between me and Jordy. He’s near the hood of my car with Roan and I’m closer to the trunk. The driver of the big truck flings his door open with no regard to my car.


“What the hell?” I grind out, rushing over to inspect the damage.

A big ass guy steps out of the truck and slams the door shut. Someone shuts the door on the other side, but I can’t see over the vehicle. I stare up at a guy taller than either Roan or Jordy. The guy has a baseball cap on, flipped backward, and his big green eyes burn into me. He’d be cute in a country boy kind of way if he didn’t have the same mean look to him that Roan and Jordy do.

“Oops.” He smirks unkindly at me. “My bad.”

“Fuckin’ Cal,” Jordy says with a snort from behind him.

Our eyes travel together to the dent in the top of the upper doorframe that takes up the entire three-inch width. Unbelievable. I’m about to go off on this asshole when I feel a presence behind me. A quick glance behind me and I realize it’s Roan’s friend I saw briefly leaving Aunt Karen’s office yesterday. Fucking wonderful. Four assholes all present and accounted for, ready to kick my ass for no goddamn reason.

And, on cue, my stomach decides to choose this moment to give me problems. Nausea burns up my esophagus, making me feel like I’m going to puke. Dizziness washes over me and blackness eats at the edge of my vision.

I’m going to pass out.

I start to collapse, falling toward Cal. He shoves me right into the guy behind me. That guy pushes me to the asphalt. Protecting my face, I curl into myself, waiting for the abuse. I don’t know what to expect, but with four of them, it can’t be good. I’m groaning, trying hard not to throw up, when a foot nudges me.

“Get up.” Roan. “Now.”

I blink back the dizziness, wishing like hell I wouldn’t have turned my nose up to biscuits and gravy this morning. I should have eaten.

“Rat,” Roan snaps, a little more forcefully. “I said get the fuck up.”

Shakily, I sit up. The world spins around me. Roan, who’s now squatted in front of me, seems to go around and around like I’m on a merry go round. I reach out, grabbing his shoulder, to steady myself. Surprisingly, he doesn’t shake me away and hauls me to my feet. I lean against my car, praying like hell I don’t pass out. That was too close.


