Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

The whole thing gave me a hot rash.

I needed to think about something else. “I have a counselor appointment at the end of the week.”

Good one, Clarke. I cringed at myself. That was what I went with? My counselor?

“Yeah? You want a ride there?”

I shook my head. “You have classes, I think. I can drive myself.”

“You’re not seeing the one on campus?”

Another shake of my head. “I liked the hospital one better, so I’m going back to her.”

“That’s good.” He glanced over to me, pulling into campus now. “That you’re continuing with the sessions. I know that was a criteria for school last semester, but you’re keeping it up.”

“Yeah. Well.” I had to talk to someone about it. It never worked its way into my normal daily conversations, with reason. I didn’t like talking about it.

“Well?” He took another right, turning into the parking lot by the campus diner.


“You said ‘well.’ What’d you mean by that?”

“Oh.” He stopped in front of the diner, and I reached for the door handle.

“Hey.” He softened his tone. “Look at me.”

I did, holding on to that door handle so tightly my knuckles strained. “Yeah?”

I didn’t want to look into his eyes. I didn’t want to see the kindness, sympathy, concern, all those emotions and qualities that had me fall for him as fast as I did, despite how I fought against it. But I looked, and I was hooked, like every time he smiled at me, brushed a hand over my face, tucked some hair behind my ear, or kissed me in that so-gentle way he did sometimes. It made my heart speed up, and I was feeling the repercussions all over again.

Fucking A.

I was falling in love.

“You okay?”

I couldn’t answer. My throat was momentarily paralyzed.

“Kennedy?” He reached over, brushing the back of his knuckles over my cheek.

I felt a tear forming and cleared my throat. I managed a smile. “I’m fine. Just . . . I don’t talk about the attack that much. It still affects me.”

He frowned, his hand falling away. “I’ve noticed. Am I supposed to ask you about it? I don’t really know my role regarding that area. Should I just let you talk when you want to? Shit. Maybe I shouldn’t even be asking you this right now.” He looked so torn, and I took pity on him.

I caught his hand, squeezing it. “You’re doing just fine. I don’t like to think about it, honestly, but I know I have to, and when I need to talk, I will.”

He nodded. “Okay. Well, I’m here. You know that, right?” He gestured between us, a half-grin appearing. “I mean, the sex is fucking fantastic, but I’m here for the serious stuff, too.”

I matched his grin. “You always know the right things to say.”

His half-grin formed into a full one, and he leaned over. He whispered, his lips meeting mine as I met him halfway, “You know it. That’s why you’re dating me, because I say the right things.”

I barked out a laugh, opening the door and getting out. “Right. Totally PC, too.”

“You’re damn straight.” He winked.

I laughed once more, giving him a small wave. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Have fun with your friends. Call me if you want to see me tonight. Otherwise, I’ll call later.”

I nodded and then headed in as he pulled away. There were people outside the diner who’d recognized Shay and his Jeep, but I ignored the looks as they watched me walk inside. I had a feeling it’d be like that for the rest of my time dating him.

The diner wasn’t too crowded when I went inside. Most students were just arriving back that day. It was close to noon, and I had no doubt the place would be packed in the evening. Everyone would want to catch up with their friends.

Kristina and Casey waved from a back booth. Sarah and Laura were there, and they turned to give me welcoming smiles.

Casey pulled out her phone when I got to the table. “You’re only two minutes late. Holy shit, woman. I was for sure you and that hot man of yours would try for a quickie.” She whistled. “I’m impressed.”

“Ha-ha.” I nodded hello to everyone, dropping into the seat beside Sarah and across from Kristina.

A large pizza was on the table, and everyone had one or two pieces on their plates. I asked, noting the pizza didn’t look touched, “Is this the second pizza you ordered?”

Kristina nodded. “We were hungry.”

Casey grunted. “We were hungover. Pizza cures that shit.”

Sarah and Laura laughed, grabbing their pieces to nibble on.

“Did you have fun last night?”

Casey choked on her piece. “You’re going to have to be more specific. Our girl lives a pretty active life.”

Kristina’s cheeks pinked, but she rolled her eyes. “Last night, movies at Shay’s house. Did you have fun?”


