Four in the Family – Numbers Game Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 28826 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 144(@200wpm)___ 115(@250wpm)___ 96(@300wpm)

Shaking my head, I toss my keys to the valet who’s waiting to park the car, and head inside. The party’s already well underway, and as I look around, I feel a little underdressed. Whereas everyone is done up to the nines in tuxedos and long gowns, I’m only in my blazer and slacks. They’re designer, of course, but still, I stick out.

Well, fuck it. I came here straight from the office, and only because my brother called me and berated me for twenty minutes, saying that I had to come. What the hell is Tucker’s problem? I’d been planning on heading home for a quick dinner, and then liaising with my lady love as soon as it got dark. But my twin just wouldn’t let it go. He said it would be worth my while, and that I would regret missing the party. What the hell is he talking about? Perhaps a business opportunity? I figured I’d check it out, and still be able to get back in time to make sure I get my fix of Emily’s curvy, voluptuous body and her impossibly tight pussy, always wet and ready for me.

My cock throbs thinking about it. I hope that Tucker gets here soon so we can get this networking thing over, and I can go where I actually want to be, which is Emily’s arms.

“Jason!” Rich’s voice booms across the music, and I turn towards the sound to see our host striding across the foyer towards me. Rich Cutler is a handsome bastard, and dressed to the nines in an expensive tuxedo that highlights his athletic frame. “Great to see you!” We bear hug briefly, then he looks me up and down with a mocking grin. “What the fuck are you wearing?”

“I came straight from the office,” I grunt. “I didn’t have time to go home and change.”

“Right,” he teases. “My friend, you’ve got to get out more often. The money will make itself.”

I shoot him an ironic look.

“Really? Is that right?” After all, Rich has been in the news recently for artificially inflating the price of a critical diabetes drug. His actions are technically legal, except that people are calling him utterly classless and unsympathetic to the people who actually need this life-saving drug. But Rich ignores my comment, bastard that he is.

“Ladies, over here,” he calls over his shoulder, and three beautiful women in expensive-looking gowns seem to materialize out of thin air. As always, they have huge tits, tiny waists, and adoring eyes for my friend as they swarm around his large frame.

“Yes, Rich?” burbles one.

“What is it?” another lisps.

Rich chuckles.

“This man is usually the best-dressed at any party, but he got b-i-z-z-y! Don’t even look at him right now because the dude is in rags.” The women simper and giggle as I try not to roll my eyes. But then Rich lowers his voice as he turns back to me.

“Tracy here’s available,” he says with a wink before nodding towards a buxom blonde standing behind him. “I can make it happen for you if you want.” I glance at the woman behind Rich. She’s gorgeous, of course, and she’s definitely flirting with me given the way she’s batting those long, fake lashes. But I’m not interested. I want to get lost in Emily’s soft curves, gently squeezing her big thighs as I lick and kiss her huge tits. Meanwhile, there’s something manufactured about the woman in front of me. It could be her too-round tits, or the curve of her nose. Doesn’t she know that ski-slope noses are so 80’s? Someone needs to talk to her plastic surgeon.

But then I berate myself. No woman can compare to Emily, and there’s no need to be rude.

“Hi,” I say politely to her with a nod. “It’s nice to meet you, Tracy.” Small talk done, I turn back to Rich. “I’m looking for my brother. Has he arrived yet?”

“Not that I’ve seen,” Rich shrugs. “You know Tuck – he takes his time. Meanwhile, yo, I see some hot shit over there. Catch you later!” And he’s off, with the three women trailing along behind him, including the aforementioned Tracy. The blonde looks coyly over her shoulder at me, but I pretend not to see. Instead, I scan the room full of beautiful people for my twin brother’s face, hoping to find him so that I can go home.

Fortunately, I see Tucker walk into the foyer just then, dressed appropriately in a tuxedo and with Janine on his arm. She’s wearing a shimmery purple gown with an obscene leg split and a neckline so low that it goes almost all the way down to her navel. My breath briefly stops in my throat when I see her because she’s identical to Emily, and my body responds instinctively to the sight of that luscious figure. But the difference between them is immediately obvious, and I recover quickly, because Janine’s walk is confident, her smile a wide grin as she looks around. When Tucker whispers something in her ear, she laughs loudly and smacks him on the arm, drawing attention from the crowd. Meanwhile, I know Emily would never be so loud and obnoxious. Emily is grace under pressure, and a river of soothing energy. The sisters couldn’t be more different if they tried.


