Destroy Me (Corrupted Royals #1) Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Angst, Dark, Forbidden, Insta-Love, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Corrupted Royals Series by Michelle Heard

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 78511 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 393(@200wpm)___ 314(@250wpm)___ 262(@300wpm)

“You could’ve fooled me.”

I step closer to her again, and placing a finger beneath her chin, I ask, “Can I have a last kiss?”

Fuck, there’s no way this can be our last kiss. How the hell am I going to stay away from her?

She just nods as emotion tightens her features.

Pressing my mouth to hers, I keep still and just breathe in her scent. I memorize the feel of her and hate that it might have to last me a lifetime.

I have to find a way for us to be together.

I’m going to risk my life and ask for a meeting with Viktor, the head of the bratva. If he agrees that we can be together, I’ll fucking kidnap her if I have to.

With a plan of action forming, I move my hand behind her neck and hold her in place as I deepen the kiss.

You will be mine, Aurora.

Her fingers grip my shirt, and I swear, if Abbie weren’t in the bedroom, I’d strip my little deer naked and fuck her until she couldn’t walk.

Ending the kiss, my teeth tug at her bottom lip. Our eyes lock, and seeing the sadness in her emerald irises, I promise, “I’ll find a way. Just give me time.”

Aurora nods, and when I walk to the door, she says, “I love you, Misha. You’ll be my first and only. Whatever happens.”

I open the door and whisper, “Slava ne mogut apisat’ mayu u lyubof’ k tebe, moy malen'kiy olen'.”

After telling Aurora that words can’t describe my love for her, I leave the room and shut the door.

Not in the mood for anything, I walk to my suite so I can be alone with my thoughts.

Chapter 23


I walk to the bedroom, and opening the door, I see Abbie sitting on my bed, her face blotchy from crying.

“My God,” she sniffles. “That was so romantic and sad. It makes Romeo and Juliet’s story look like a walk in the park.”

“Yeah.” I take a seat on the bed and let out a sigh. “Do you think my dad–”

“He’ll kill both of you,” Abbie answers before I can finish the sentence. “He hates the bratva.”

My shoulders slump in defeat. “You’re right.”

“I need comfort food after today. It’s been rough,” Abbie says as she climbs to her feet. “Let’s order something and go to the waterfall.”

“I just want to change into something warmer.” I grab sweatpants and quickly pull them on before taking a jacket. “Let’s go.”

Finding my sneakers in the living room, I shove my feet into them and walk to the door. “What are you in the mood for?”

Abbie steps into the hallway and almost bumps into Instructor Nikolai, who’s walking toward his suite.

He takes one look at her blotchy face, then grabs her shoulder, and demands, “Why did you cry?”

She blinks at him for a couple of seconds, then answers, “I watched a sad story.” The corner of her mouth lifts in a mischievous smile. “Nice to know you care.”

Yanking his hand away from her, he shakes his head, and stalks down the hallway.

Abbie turns to me with a wide grin. “Am I wrong? He cares, right?”

I step into the hallway and shut the door. “One sad story at a time. There’s no way your father will let you date Nikolai.”

“Ugh,” she huffs as we walk toward the stairs. “For that man’s abs, I’ll leave my family.”

I raise an eyebrow at her. “Really?”

She lets out a chuckle. “Not really, but let me have my fantasy.”

Walking into the dining hall, I instantly see Misha sitting at a table with Alek and Armani. It looks like they’re having a serious conversation.

Abbie grabs a menu and waves a server closer. “I want fried feta balls. Also, buffalo wings, don’t skimp on the spice. Aaaaand…”

I look at the menu, then say, “Cheezy garlic bread and fries with bacon and cheese toppings.”

“Yes!” Abbie grins at me. “You know me so well.”

“Is that for both of you?” the server asks.

“No, that’s mine,” Abbie chuckles.

“I’ll have…” I glance over the menu again, then go with my usual favorite, “BBQ riblets. Please cut them for me.”

“Yes, Madam,” the server murmurs before he rushes to the kitchen.

“It’s to-go,” Abbie yells.

My eyes snap to Misha, and seeing that he’s staring at me, I try not to make it obvious when I smile at him.

The corner of his mouth lifts, and it has Alek and Armani glancing over their shoulders, matching frowns on their foreheads.

Crap. Act cool.

Look away.

“Do you think it’s too late to make an appointment at the spa?” Abbie asks.

Grabbing her arm, I tug her toward the doorway. “Let’s go check if they’re still open.”

When we get to the section the spa is in, all the lights are off, and the door’s locked.

“Boo,” Abbie mutters.

“We can wake up early and see if they can squeeze us in?”


