Darkest Need – The Dark Ones Saga Novella Read Online Rachel Van Dyken

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 29328 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 147(@200wpm)___ 117(@250wpm)___ 98(@300wpm)

There’s a dagger sticking out of the top of her hand, and her right eye is so swollen she can barely make eye contact with me. Before she stumbles closer, blood trickles down her right arm. She’s wearing black fishnet tights with her shorts and the tank is cropped and looks like it’s been torn half off. I don’t know if it’s the look she’s going for or if she’s been truly attacked—even beyond what I can already see.

I hop over the bar and grab her before she passes out, then carry her into the back office, shoving past everyone dancing. I nod at Timber to take over.

He frowns but returns the gesture as I shove into the office and slam the door closed, laying her on the black leather couch to examine her. That’s the good thing about immortals, nothing really fazes us. So if I nod to him, and he nods to me, we both know he’ll have my back if shit goes bad. But until then, I’ll handle it.

Werewolves can heal others since we’re self-healing, but I’m not sure what kind of internal injuries she may have at this point.

“Hey.” I grip her face gently. “What’s your name?”

She shakes her head, and then it lolls to the side until she’s completely passed out.

Well, that’s a no-go.

“I’m just going to pull the knife out of your hand,” I say to myself and wince when blood surges from her wound. I toss the dagger onto the floor and grip her palm between mine. My skin burns where I touch her. The weapon looks familiar, but I can’t figure out why as I continue to hold her hand tightly. The stab wound was deep—very deep.

I feel my eyes flash blue as I heal the wound, knitting the skin back together, but then I can’t let go. I start to pull away. How is her grip so strong when she’s not even conscious?

I tug again.

Her grip only tightens until her eyes flash open. They’re blood-red. She pulls me with inhuman strength right onto her bloody chest.

Her eyes don’t just lock onto mine. They hold me captive in a near chokehold around my body, suffocating me and pulling me closer and closer.

Despite her swollen face, she grips the back of my neck and pulls me in for a soul-sucking kiss.

I freeze, feeling my energy leaving my body. The last thing I remember is thinking, huh, so this is how it ends.

Death by kiss.

And then everything goes painfully black.

Chapter Two


He tastes like a dream. The really good kind that you want to keep experiencing over and over again and maybe never wake up from because the pain of reality is too suffocating.

I know I should stop, but I just can’t. I want to taste him, suck him dry…again and again.

He’s asleep. They always are. It’s the effect of the venom I release when I start to suck. It actually pushes into their bodies and makes them go limp so I can do what I need to do.


Like a spider attacking its prey and paralyzing them.

I remember the first time. I was sixteen and saw the hot chem teacher I had a crush on. I walked up to him, and he just…gave in. The janitor’s closet was never the same, and not because I had some crazy sexual experience, but because the guy’s body lacked any blood once I was done. It started seeping out under the door and running down the hallway.

This one tastes different than a human. He’s also pretty. Plus, he’s helping me… I kind of want to keep him for a while and see where things go in the next few days.

Normally, it takes twenty-four hours for me to feed on a human. If they’re immortal, it takes at least three days. But this guy...

He’s different. I wonder how he would handle it, and I also want to know what would happen to me if I tried.

So different. I inhale and press my mouth against his neck. Why does it feel this way?

“That tickles.” His gruff whisper has me jerking back. “But I kind of like it.”

“What?” I wave a hand in front of his face. What’s happening? “How are you even awake right now?”

“Because I’m amazing, and I just needed a fucking nap. Why are you sniffing my neck? And why the hell are you trying to suck me dry? That’s not even polite. At least, ask first. I think the conversation goes a little like this: ‘Oh, hi, I’m a succubus. I might suck your…bus’—haha. Okay, sorry, still delirious—and then you go on to do your thing. I do my thing and pretend to be asleep, and then you get your earth energy or whatever the hell they call it, and we go our separate ways. PS, I will not be your slave. I do not do well being told what to do. I’m more of a manager sort of person. I like to tell people what to do. But if it gets your kink on, I’m okay for the next”—he checks his watch—“five minutes. Then, I’m out.”


