Coach Long Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 33
Estimated words: 31730 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 159(@200wpm)___ 127(@250wpm)___ 106(@300wpm)

I grip her wrist and yank it from my cock. “This is bullshit. Some lie to turn me on?”

She bites her supple lip and shakes her head. “Joey was probably your age. He had sex with me and then one day, it was over. His girlfriend was pregnant. He told me we couldn’t happen ever again because it was wrong.” She frowns. “Didn’t stop him from one last fuck on his leather couch.”

“You’re some kind of sex addict?” I demand in disbelief.

She shrugs and reaches for my cock again but I bat her hand away. “And your father’s boss? Is that all?”

Shame crosses over her features and she sighs. “A few others in between.”

“How old are you?”

“Just turned eighteen.”

I scrub my face in frustration. A small miracle at least. “So you’re just fucking with me like you fucked with them?”

“I’m not fucking with you, Coach. I like you.”

“Because I’m older and you have goddamned issues. Got it, Emo.” I jerk myself out of the bed and start throwing clothes on. “Get dressed.”


I cross my arms over my chest. “Because this little game is over.”

It’s been almost three weeks since I told Everett about my past. I’ve been thinking about his words ever since. You have goddamned issues. It stung hearing it from him but it resonated with me. I do have issues. I want what I shouldn’t have. My desire for my coach has turned into a full-blown obsession. Every thought goes back to that one perfect night where he touched me. To the night we kissed as two lovers—not a teacher and student. He’d made me orgasm and it was beautiful.

But then I ruined it all with my big mouth.

What I didn’t tell him was that I glorified the details a bit. My neighbor was a pervert. Looking back, I realize he was preying on me. I truly was a victim there. He’d played on my innocence and said all the right things to make me feel desired. I loved it. But then he fucked me. Left his used condom right there on the top of the trash pile in the bin for my mother to find.

They put me in therapy, where I developed a crush on Joey. While it wasn’t as glamorous as I told Everett it was, Joey did succumb to my shameless flirting. I remember feeling powerful when he broke and went against his code of ethics. We didn’t actually have sex but he did hug me a lot behind closed doors. He always found reasons to touch me. I’d come to think of him as my secret boyfriend. He’d ask me about my sexual fantasies while staring at my tits and I’d watch as he discretely rubbed at his cock through his slacks. It was dirty but mild compared to what I fibbed to Everett about.

Cannon, my dad’s old boss, though, that was real. Their office was on my way home from school. Every day, I’d pop in there and visit my father. But often he was in meetings, so I’d go see Cannon instead. James Cannon was gruff on the outside but I always got to see him smile. I knew he loved Skittles so I’d bring him a package every day. He’d let me sit in his office all afternoon and work on my homework. And sometimes, when he was on the phone with a client, he’d shut us inside with the door closed.

One day he was Cannon, my dad’s boss. And before I knew it, he was fucking me on his desk. This went on for months. I was so in love with him. He loved me too, so I thought. Then one day, he was bored with me. Told me to leave and to never come back. It wasn’t until I’d seen the new receptionist with the giant tits that I understood. I threw a raging tantrum in his office, slinging papers and furniture around. Security escorted me out and Dad was forced to step down from his job. Everyone figured out we’d been sleeping together but nobody did anything. Nobody cared that he broke my heart.

My parents were horrified and embarrassed. I’d like to think they were worried about my wellbeing, which is why they moved us out of state. But here I am in a new place and they’re still absent as ever. Sometimes I think they only care when I’m in trouble.

“There’s a party tonight at my friend Jake’s,” Caleb says, jerking me from my inner thoughts. “Everyone will be there. You should come.” He flashes me a flirty grin. Caleb is the kind of guy I should date. But stupid me gets her panties wet whenever she sees her coach.

“I don’t know,” I tell him absently. “Maybe.”

He pulls me to him and hugs me. I’m frozen by his sudden display of affection.


