Charge To My Line Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Heroes of Dixie Wardens MC #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 71015 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 355(@200wpm)___ 284(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

Her name was Anne, and she had to have been one of the nicest women I’d ever met.

Too bad we hadn’t met under different circumstances.

“Thank you. Tru did an excellent job keeping me in line,” I smiled at the woman, when in reality I wanted nothing other than to look at Tru.

She was a silent presence at my back, having stepped out to answer a phone call, and coming back in a few minutes later only to stand at the back and not disrupt the meeting any more than she already had.

“I’m sure she did. She was one of my wisest students and now one of the best employees I’ve ever had. Now,” she said standing. “Get on out of here. I don’t want to see you back in here unless it’s to bring me some thank you cookies.”

I snorted and stood, holding out my hand to shake the woman’s hand. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

I’d bring the woman cookies, but only because I wanted to see Tru again. I’d use anything as an excuse.

“All right, I’ll see you around. Have a good day,” she said as she walked with me to her office door.

I smiled at her and followed Tru’s retreating back out the door. I kept following her, watching her ass in her scrub pants the entire way.

“I was thinking we’d go to lunch after our appointment to discuss what you should continue doing, if that’s okay. My treat,” Tru said as she looked over her shoulder.

I looked up just in time that she didn’t catch me checking out her ass, but only barely.

“Sounds good,” I rumbled.

She smiled. “Perfect. I didn’t bring a lunch.”

She led me to a padded table where she patted it softly with her hand, indicating I should sit.

She didn’t move her hand, however, and I sat, bringing her hand perilously close to my thigh. Her body was very close, too.

She realized her mistake too late, and had to take a step back to make it acceptable.

I gave her that, but only because I knew it was important to her. But in forty five minutes when my session was over, it’d be a different story.


45 minutes later

“I can’t believe that still hurts,” I mumbled as I took a seat on the bench across from Tru, rubbing my shoulder as I did so.

She smiled remorsefully. “It’ll get easier. Your muscles are still learning. Today was a day to make sure you could do all you’re supposed to be able to do.”

I stared into her eyes, mesmerized by the sight of her big green eyes.

“So how is your physical therapy going?” She asked as she glanced up from her menu.

Her beautiful eyes caught mine, and I smiled.

“It’s good. Only have one more of it, too. Although, the man who does it with me isn’t near as nice to look at as you are,” I teased.

She gave me a wry look. “Whatever.”

I snorted and looked at my own menu, settling for the Turkey melt and chili, before setting it down and staring at Tru as she perused her menu.

“What are you getting?” She asked as she glanced up again.

“Turkey melt,” I said.

“Not a steak?” She asked in surprise.

We were, in fact, in one of the best steak places on this side of the Louisiana border, but my belt couldn’t afford any more bad eating. I’d already gained nearly fifteen pounds in the months after I’d had my surgery.

“My waist line doesn’t appreciate my love for steak,” I explained.

The waitress interrupted the conversation to take our orders. Tru ordered a six ounce rib eye and a baked potato, pleasing me. I liked a woman that wasn’t afraid to eat in front of a man. It was a nice breath of fresh air.

Molly, I’d observed, would never order anything other than a salad.

She snorted as the waitress took her leave. “Mine either; yet, you don’t see me eating a salad.”

I smiled widely at her. “I saw you in those tight shorts at the bar when you worked that spasm out of my shoulder. You looked pretty fucking enticing in those tight pants. No diet needed there.”

She blushed, making my smile turn wider.

“Iliana made me go. I’m still mad at her about that, as a matter of fact,” she pouted.

“I’m glad you came. That was a nightmare,” I said, truly meaning it.

That’d been so painful that it’d stolen my breath and made my stomach clench. Then her skillful hands had landed on me, offering her comfort, and taking my pain away from me.

She’d taken a little piece of me at that moment, and had spent the last three months taking away even more until I was hopeless with need.

I wanted her so bad I could barely stand it.

“I’m sure Molly, if I remember her name correctly, would’ve taken care of it just fine,” she said softly.

I laughed.

That was a good one.

Molly doing anything that didn’t benefit her.

I’d earned myself the cold shoulder that night, and in the three months since, it’d never warmed.

Which, surprisingly, was fine with me.

In fact, I hadn’t thought about Molly once in the last couple of weeks.

“Molly’s one of my good friend’s little sister. She wouldn’t have offered any assistance, though. She’s the type that’d let you work your ass into the ground, regardless of any pain you’re feeling, as long as she had what she wanted,” I expounded.

She blinked. “You’re telling me she wasn’t willing to help you?”

I shook my head. “No. I’d been telling her all night that my shoulder wasn’t feeling good, and that it kept getting progressively worse in the three hours I was there. The only reason I’d stayed was because it was Tunnel’s birthday, which the club was celebrating. The entire time Molly kept going on and on about how upset she was about her job, while my head started pounding worse and worse. I was in the process of leaving when she threw a fit that I was her ride, and she didn’t want to leave yet. So I sat back down, and the jostling must’ve been what my shoulder needed to finally give. That’s when I dropped my beer. She only offered to rub my back when you started in our direction.”


