Beautiful Beast 2 Read Online Blue Saffire

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 91049 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 455(@200wpm)___ 364(@250wpm)___ 303(@300wpm)

“Really, Mother? You’re as sharp as a tack. Furthermore, you were very insistent on using Beauty for Ashes for the event.

“Considering that the event isn’t going to be in New York at all and Beauty for Ashes has an office in Europe, yet you were adamant about using the New York office. I still find that to be odd.”

“Not to mention that meeting this morning was absurd. I know you. You wouldn’t allow such behavior or sit through such bullshit unless you had a reason,” I say.

“You watch your mouth.”

“Mother,” I growl.

She sighs, turning with a huff. I’m not here for the dramatics. I want answers. I’m missing something important here and I don’t like the feeling of not knowing what.

“Have you asked the girl for her name as of yet?”

“No. Well, yes, but she refused. You know, the whole masquerade thing. She wanted to play along… why?”

“I think you should go downstairs and ask her for her name. It will all become clear to you when you have that answer.”

“Mother. You know I hate riddles. Why don’t you just tell me?” I demand.

“Because I’m going to bed. You’re a grown man, as you so often like to remind me. You can handle this. Good night, love. My head is starting to truly ache something awful.”

I know there’s no point bothering to argue with her. I decide that I’ll go to the source for the information I want. However, that doesn’t stop me from watching my mother for a beat. She has a smile on her lips that sends a chill down my spine.

“Good night, Mother. Feel better.”

With that, I turn, placing my guard up. This woman is up to something. I’m sure of it.

My mind is occupied with my mother’s odd behavior as I make my way down to the car. When I reach the vehicle and go to climb inside, I notice right away—she’s gone. I want to tear my hair from the roots.

Something on the back seat catches my attention. I reach into the back for it. It’s one of the bags the cell phones were placed in. Reaching inside, I pull out the device.

Tapping at the screen, the logo for Beauty for Ashes lights up before me. I grin. She may have gotten away tonight, but not forever. I have a mystery to solve.

“Who are you?”


If It Fits


I’ve been a frazzled mess all morning. I can’t find my phone. My entire life is in that thing. I’ve been trying to remember the last time I saw it.

Okay, I’ve been trying to pray away the last place I remember seeing it. If I’m right, that means I need to contact the Blakes to see if one of them found my phone in their car.

Yeah, I know which one would have been most likely to find it and I’m not ready to admit to that. I shove my hand in my hair. I have tons of work to get to and I need to stop agonizing over this situation.

“Ms. Ellis, there’s a Mr. Blake here to see you.” Megan’s voice comes through the intercom.

I groan and palm my face. Of course, he’s here. This is officially going to be the day from hell. I jump up, realizing I need to get him out of here before those witches show up for work.

They will all drag their asses in late because of the party last night. Well, later than usual. It’s sickening. The rest of the staff has come to work on time, even if some of us are existing off of coffee or sheer will. Not to mention, we had a two-hour delay in our clock-in time because of such a big event.

“I’ll be right out,” I say to Megan.

I rush to the mirror to check my hair and face. When I realize what I’m doing, I freeze. I shouldn’t be primping for a client.

Smoothing my hands down the front of my suit jacket, I turn and head out to the front desk. The man is more gorgeous this morning than the last two times I saw him. I don’t know how that’s even possible.

Instead of the parted, combed-to-the-side style from yesterday, he has a blowout. It works so well with his strong features. His suit and tie complement his body and bring out his eyes.

“Good morning, Mr. Blake. How can I help you?” I say, and thank God my voice comes out even.

“Ms. Ellis, is it?”


He narrows his eyes at me. “I do believe we can move to first names—”

He cuts off, waiting for me to offer my first name. I don’t know why, but I hesitate to offer it. Just as I go to tell him, the elevator opens, and to my horror, my stepfamily steps out.

“Princeton!” Bianca cheers. “So good to see you this morning. We can have a conference room all set up so we can discuss your event.”


